

Ytre Oppedal, Lavik, Aven, Kyrkjebø, Høyanger, Nessane, Balestrand, Dragsvik, Vangsnes, Vikøyri, Vik

The tour of this side is not a powerful scenery, but about journey to imagination and a deep unconscious. There is not yet an open sea, but we still have huge waves and surfing in the case of a stronger wind. The combination of hiking and kayaking is directly offered. Can we resist temptation and do not look to the other side? Shall the open sea or the springs, waterfalls and forefathers of all Nærøyfjord fjords? These are challenges.


  • Category : Outdoor
  • Date : spring, summer, autumn
  • Client : Theme sea kayaking
  • Location : Norway, Bergen, Voss
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